На этот вопрос пытались сегодня ответить участники международной научно-практической конференции «Одаренность и ее развитие в условиях реализации САЕ», проходящей в школе № 112. Одаренность – это дар, а талант – это реализованная одаренность. Талант может проявляться и в учебной, и в любой творческой деятельности.
На секциях, проходивших на английском языке, участники конференции сформулировали следующие позиции.
The working experience of educational institutions of Kazan city shows that natural gifts of a person belong to systematic characteristics of psychics that develop in the course of life and determine the person’s ability to achieve higher results in one or several fields of activities compared to other people.
The Strategic Academic Unit (SAU) called «The Teacher of the XXI century» that is being worked out at the Federal University of Kazan has an object to stimulate gifted teachers and to reveal and support gifted children. Nickolai Lobachevsky in his time used to stress that teachers should strive for bringing up a genius.
As a result of diagnostic research carried out at various educational institutions, it has been ascertained that natural gifts of children can be manifested as evident natural gifts that are «in the public eye» (the number of such evidently gifted children makes about 1-3 percent of the total number of children); as age natural gifts, i.e. in one age a child manifests evident natural gifts but in a few years’ time these natural gifts disappear; as concealed (not manifested) natural gifts, i.e. natural gifts that for some certain reasons were not manifested in the school activities of a child or elsewhere (the number of such children makes about 20-25 percent of the total number of children).
When working with gifted children we have revealed the following problems: teachers havegot no knowledge of the diversity and peculiarities of children’s natural gifts; the educational institution only aims at the development of students’ intellect; the equalizing approach to students aimed at the development of their «average abilities» that makes no attempt to predict their individual development, etc.
The participants of the Conference have observed that all children are endowed with certain inclinations and abilities when they are born. However, not all of these can be developed. The not revealed abilities gradually disappear as unclaimed. The percentage of gifted children (as viewed by psychologists) distinctly falls with time. If it is about 60-70 percent among children aged ten, it makes 30-40 percent among those aged fourteen and only 15-20 percent among those aged seventeen.
The following aims and purposes have been formulated at the Conference: the working out of methods to reveal gifted children in proper time; the activities the School Methodological Societies are to be aimed at the development of teaching skills and abnotivity of teachers (i.e. the ability to deal with gifted children); the use of various forms of personification and differentiation in school hours as well as in out-of-school hours when working with gifted children; the choice of teaching methods favouring the development of independent thinking, initiative and research skills as well as creative work in various fields of activities; the organization of various forms of both school and out-of-school activities; the development of high standard of knowledge of the world based on ethnocultural and general human values by gifted children; the organization of search and research activities in school hours as well as in out-of-school hours; the realization of the right individual method of approach to families with gifted children; the realization of directions aimed at working with gifted children by the school psychologists.
На секциях, проходивших на татарском языке, были поставлены такие задачи: сәләтле балаларны вакытында ачыклау технологиясе булдыру; мәктәп метод бердәшмә утырышларында укытучыларның сәләтле балалар белән эшләү осталыкларын үстерүгә юнәлдерелгән эш алып бару; дәрестә һәм дәрестән тыш чараларда укучыларның табигый сәләтләрен исәпкә алган дифференциаль эш формалары куллану; укучыларның мөстәкыйль фикерләвен, фәнни-тикшеренү күнекмәләрен, иҗадилыгын үстерүгә юнәлтелгән укыту алымнарын сайлап алу; дәрестән тыш һәм мәктәптән тыш эшчәнлекне төрле формаларда оештыру; сәләтле балаларның дөнья турындагы кузаллауларын, милли-мәдәни һәм гомумкешелек кыйммәтләренә таянып, сыйфатлы итеп югары дәрәҗәдә үстерү; дәресләрдә һәм дәрестән тыш чараларда тикшеренү һәм эзләнү эшчәнлеген оештыру; сәләтле бала тәрбияли торган гаилә белән тыгыз элемтә булдыру, аерым эш алып бару; сәләтле балалар белән эшләүгә мәктәп психологын җәлеп итү һәм аның белән берлектә балаларның сәләтен үстерү буенча максатчан эш алып бару.
Таким образом, с одаренными детьми могут работать только талантливые педагоги. При этом главная задача – не только выявить одаренность, но и обеспечить трансформацию, развитие, превращение этой одаренности в талант.